The CMFA Completes a $1,181,525,000 Financing for LAX Integrated Express Solutions, LLC
The CMFA issued $1,181,525,000 in one or more series of bonds, notes, certificates or other obligations for the design, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, development, expansion, improvement, equipping and/or modification of certain capital improvements relating to the 2.25 mile long automated people mover train system (the “Project”), running from a consolidated rental car facility to be constructed located near La Cienega Boulevard and the 405 Freeway and terminating at the Tom Bradley International Terminal at LAX in the City of Los Angeles, California, which will be owned and operated by the Department. The Project will include, among other things, approximately 2.25 miles of elevated guideway, passenger cars that will travel along the guideway transporting passengers to and from LAX, six passenger stations (three located inside the Central Terminal Area (“CTA”) at LAX and three located outside the CTA), pedestrian passenger walkway structures connecting the stations inside the CTA with the terminals at LAX, parking garage improvements, a maintenance and storage facility (to be located east of Airport Boulevard between Arbor Vitae and 96th Street), various utility and roadway improvements, and certain other improvements related to the Project.