The CMFA’s Financing Enables Over $130,000 in Contributions to California Non-Profits
Jul 28, 2014
The CMFA continues to give back to the communities in California by directing a portion of its issuance fees to charitable organizations. There were several non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that received grants totaling over $130,000 from the California Foundations for Stronger Communities with funds donated by the CMFA. The deserving organizations include:
After School Boxing Program Together with the Oscar de la Hoya Foundation and Golden Boy Productions, the CFSC provided a grant that benefitted eight boxing gyms in Southern California serving endangered youths. Matched proceeds will be used to purchase needed equipment and programs that will get these kids off the streets and provide them with much needed positive reinforcement.
Gary Sinise Foundation serves active military personnel and veterans by creating and supporting programs designed to entertain, educate, inspire, strengthen and build communities. CFSC’s donation was restricted to support those programs serving California.
Good Neighbor Center, Inc. provides food and clothing to needy people in the Central Valley. Founded in 2000, the organization has served over 27,000 individuals.
Grandma’s House for Hope is a campus-model Housing Program offering transitional housing, emergency shelter services and rapid rehousing for women and children in need of shelter in Orange County. Women may be facing lengthy illnesses, domestic abuse or other issues that prevent them from being self-sufficient. In addition, the organization provides weekend and school vacation meals to kids relying on their school’s free lunch program for daily sustenance.
Volunteers of America – Mather Community Campus provides safe and secure housing for homeless residents. Their program is designed to build the skills necessary so their clients are able to build a stable lifestyle which includes a steady job and permanent housing.