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Archive for September, 2019

$49,000,000 in Low Cost, Tax-Exempt Financing Provided for Holy Names University

Sep 27, 2019

The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to finance and refinance the acquisition, construction, improvement, renovation and equipping of the certain educational facilities of the Corporation, including related administrative facilities, site improvements, and parking. Also including but not limited to construction of a new science building or, in the alternative, renovation, construction, improvement and equipping of educational facilities owned and operated by the Corporation, and development of educational facilities.

The bonds will also be used to refinance other outstanding bonds.

The CMFA Issues $23,526,864 in Tax-Exempt Financing for Bennett House Apartments

Sep 13, 2019

The Bennett House Apartments is an acquisition/rehabilitation of a 70-unit affordable housing project for families. The Project needs renovation to address certain unit, building and common area concerns. The units will be restricted to households earning 60% or less of area median income (AMI). Amenities include community garden, laundry facilities, community room, and computer lab. A community service coordinator will also be provided for residents. This financing will preserve 69 units of affordable housing for the Town of Fairfax for 55 years.