CMFA Financings Enable $192,500 in Contributions to California Non-Profits
Apr 29, 2013
The CMFA continues to give back to the communities in California by directing a portion of its issuance fees to charitable organizations. There were several non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that received grants an aggregate total of $192,500 from the California Foundations for Stronger Communities with funds donated by the CMFA.
The deserving organizations include:
Clinic by the Bay is San Francisco’s Volunteers in Medicine clinic which provides free health care for working uninsured adults residing in the Excelsior neighborhood, in Visitacion Valley, Portola, and in Daly City.
George Mark House provides cutting-edge, interdisciplinary medical and psychosocial services to children facing life-limiting illness.
Jewish Family Resource Center provides a wealth of social and emotional services including Senior Care, Mental Health Counseling, Family & Youth Services and Refugee & Immigrant Services.
Lotus Bloom Family Resource Center is a youth development program located in Oakland, CA. Their innovative program empowers their diverse population to realize their full potential. The center provides art, music, and literacy activities which are all designed to promote language development and early learning experiences.
Mustard Seed School is a free, private school for homeless children ages 3 to 15 years old. They provides a safe, nurturing environment, a positive learning experience, survival resources, immunization updates, counseling, and assistance entering and reentering public schools.
Alpha House provides a safe and nurturing environment for battered and homeless women and their children in Kern County, CA.
Elite Soccer is a competitive soccer league in Southern Orange County. Our donation allows low-income youth athletes to participate in the program.
Fairytale Town – Located in Sacramento, CA, Fairytale Town is home to 3-dimensional play sets based on favorite fairytales and nursery rhymes, farm animals, and performing arts stages. Our donation will fund a Children’s Theatre Program that will bring Fairytale Town to underserved schools.
Friends of San Pasqual Academy – Located in Escondido, CA, San Pasqual Academy provides foster youth with a stable, caring home, quality education and independent living skills.
Operation Help a Hero is dedicated to the well-being and care of our American military members. Their programs support military units and families as they prepare for separation, while they endure the challenges of deployment, and as they transition back to the United States.
TELACU Educational Foundation – In addition to financial aid, the Foundation provides a support system to underprivileged students dreaming of a college degree.
Daniel Hernandez Youth – Conducted jointly with the California Department of Fish & Game Daniel Hernandez Youth provides fishing and environmental education programs to underprivileged youth.
Lytle Creek Senior Center – Provides a comfortable atmosphere for senior citizens in San Bernardino, CA. The center plays host to craft & hobby meetings, Scrabble, cards & Bunco games, and community meetings related to senior citizens issues, senior citizens advocate, social events and serves as the area polling place.
National Veterans Transition Service assists outgoing military personnel make a successful transition from military service to civilian life.
Rainbow Family is a twelve-month residential rehabilitation program structured to provide restoration for women and children. Their 24-hour counseling and supervision creates a climate where residents can succeed.
Rob Dydrek Foundation assists municipalities and non-profits with the design, development, and construction of legal Skate Plazas as well as assists with the creation of community and educational programs that promote and encourage the sport of skateboarding.
Social Model Recovery Systems provides a comprehensive residential drug and alcohol treatment program for women with children in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment. Our donation will be used to provide a play area for the children who live and visit there.