CMFA Financings Enable $175,000 in Contributions to California Nonprofits
The CMFA continues to give back to the communities in California by directing a portion of its issuance fees to charitable organizations. A total of thirteen non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations received a total of $175,000 in grants from the California Foundation for Stronger Communities with funds donated by the CMFA:
Proyecto Pastoral provides 24-hour residential and educational treatment center for mentally disabled children.
The Asian Youth Centeris a non-profit, community-based organization serving the social services needs of youth and families, with a focus on Asian immigrants. Their programs enable those they serve to adapt and contribute to a multi-cultural society.
Miracle League of North Orange County offers quality education-based child care to low and moderate income families in Santa Clara County.
JuneCo Music Ministryis focused on early development of children through music and creative arts, as well as developmentally disabled people of all ages. By providing opportunities for children, youth and disabled adults to associate with each other through creative arts programs they are able to gains support and confidence in themselves.
Brother Benno Foundationis a non-profit, all-volunteer organization that has been committed to serving the poor and homeless in San Diego North County since 1983. Their services are broad and include a soup kitchen, recovery and health services, rent and utility assistance, tutoring and education.
Beyond Shelter was founded in 1988. Their mission is to develop systemic approaches to combat poverty and homelessness among families with children, and to enhance family economic security and well-being.
MARSOC Foundationserves those in the United States Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC). This elite group of our nation’s fiercest warriors are away from their families over 50% of their time either deployed or in out of area training. The grant will be used to meet needs unmet by the government with an emphasis on building personal and family resiliency and supporting the full reintegration of MARSOC Marines and Sailors following wounds, injuries and extended deployments.
Gary Sinise Foundation-Building for America’s Bravest program. This program honors those that serve our nation by building homes for Veterans, First Responders and their families.
United Outreach of El Dorado County is dedicated to providing the help that homeless people need to survive and become a contributing members of society
Families Forward is an Irvine-based nonprofit organization. The organization currently has twenty-eight transitional housing units as well as a comprehensive array of services to prevent homelessness. Though the years, the non-profit has served over 7,000 individuals, distributed over 33,834 bags of groceries, counseled 250 parents in career and employment development, and distributed school supplies to 1032 children.
Foster Families Service – Since 1989 the organization has placed thousands of children ages 0 -18 years of age in both foster and adoptive homesin nearly half of California’s 58 counties. Through a combination of caring parents, well-trained and motivated social workers, and a network of community resources, works to see every child in their care return home or live in a healthier conditions then when they arrived.
Housing with a Heart – Founded by Jamboree Housing Corporation, Housing with HEART provides support services to over 5,000 low and very-low income families living in 40 affordable housing developments across California.
Queen of Heartsis dedicated to providing an avenue to improve the bodies, minds and spirits of children, youth, and adults with physical and/or developmental disabilities through therapeutic horseback riding lessons and other equine activities.