The CMFA Completes the Issuance of $7,489,642 in Bonds for Marin Horizon School
Oct 14, 2020
Oct 14, 2020
Oct 14, 2020
West County Health Centers deliver health care to an important cross-section of the community including elementary age children whose parents cannot otherwise afford the medical care needed to keep them healthy and active in schools; those who are not accepted elsewhere due to HIV/AIDS, homelessness, mental illness or addiction; those in the community who lack the financial resources to pay for quality health care, as well as many others.
Oct 6, 2020
The Project provides the FBI a field office from which to conduct investigations of federal crimes and forensic investigations related to such crimes serving Imperial and San Diego counties as well as six military bases. The Project also provides digital forensics services, resources, expertise and training to law enforcement agencies through San Diego and Imperial Counties. The Project has a Level IV Facility Security Leve
Oct 1, 2020