The CMFA’s Financings Enables $105,000 in Contributions to California Non-Profits
The CMFA continues to give back to the communities in California by directing a portion of its issuance fees to charitable organizations. There were several non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that received grants totaling $105,000 from the California Foundations for Stronger Communities with funds donated by the CMFA.
The deserving organizations include:
Gary Sinise Charitable Foundation serves our nation by honoring our defenders, veterans, first responders, their families and those in need. They do this by creating and supporting unique programs designed to entertain, educate, inspire, strengthen and build communities.
National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. is a San Diego based organization dedicated to assisting veterans in adjusting to civilian life and securing meaningful employment by combining best-practice performance social solutions and techniques. The organization was established by a group of retired high ranking Naval and Marine Corps officers and workforce development professionals who seek to fill a tremendous gap in the continuum of veteran services.
Vets Helping Veterans serves veterans through an outreach program website and email accounts directing them toward assistance to provide them with the knowledge and support that they may need. VHV is founded by Veterans to help Veterans. The foundation focuses it’s funding on committed, grass roots organizations that help Veterans and their families obtain jobs and become productive members of the communities they heroically served.
Cabot’s Museum Foundation preserves the integrity of Cabot Yerxa’s history, Pueblo, and collection of artifacts, as well as educating and inspiring visitors by creating appreciation of the desert community.
29 Palms Community Food Pantry & Outreach Ministries, Inc fulfills a “short-term” need in the community by providing quality nonperishable food items to the hungry. Their volunteer staff of over 40 people assist neighbors who range in age from their early 20s, to senior citizens.
CASA for Children Solano County advocates for abused, neglected, and other identified children within the court system, with the belief that every child is entitled to a safe and stable home.
Creativity Explored is committed to supporting people with developmental disabilities in their quest to become working artists, and to promoting their work as an emerging and increasingly important contribution to the contemporary art world