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The CMFA Completes the Issuance of $16,285,000 in Bonds for Albert Einstein Academies

The CMFA Completes the Issuance of $16,285,000 in Bonds for Albert Einstein Academies to finance the acquisition, construction, improvement, renovation and equipping of educational facilities located in the city of San Diego, County of San Diego, California. The goal of Albert Einstein Academies to be able to meet the needs of the student throughout San Diego County in an innovative and resourceful way that provides rigorous educational options that its students may otherwise not have without their uniquely International Baccalaureate Program. As part of their program, the school’s culture links academic excellence with positive action through service. The students participate in many forms of community service including the development and implementation of a Community Service Project that will benefit the local community and allow the student to look beyond themselves to make a difference in the world.

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