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The CMFA Completes the Issuance of $12,000,000 in Bonds for Lycee Intl De Los Angeles

The CMFA Completes the Issuance of $12,000,000 in Bonds for Lycee Intl De Los Angeles to finance and refinance the acquisition, construction, improvement, equipping and maintenance of educational facilities for Lycée Français de San Francisco, located in the Cities of San Francisco and Sausalito, Counties of San Francisco and Marin, California. The current refinancing will result in significant debt service savings to the School, allowing it to further invest in its educational programs, the delivery of its mission, and its overall financial sustainability. Further, LFSF educates a diverse population of students through its rigorous French language immersion program based on the French National Curriculum, through which students are able to develop the superior critical thinking abilities and mental flexibility associated with being bilingual.

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