The be.Group Teams with the CMFA to Preserve Senior Affordable Living in Long Beach, CA
The be.Group is one of the country’s largest nonprofit providers of senior living communities. The CMFA recently assisted the with the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Covenant Manor Apartments, a 100-unit senior affordable rental housing project located in the city of Long Beach, CA. The project will consist of one- and two-bedroom apartments for independent seniors who earn at or below 50% and 60% of the area median income. Seniors will enjoy private patios and balconies, a common area, outdoor courtyard, common laundry facilities and community facilities. New heating, ventilating, air conditioning systems, domestic boilers, energy efficiency upgrades and exterior painting, waterproofing and balcony deck coating will help make residents more comfortable and help reduce energy costs. The acquisition/ rehabilitation of this project will continue to provide affordability for 100 seniors for 55 years in the City of Long Beach.