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Jun 26, 2015
The CMFA continues to give back to the communities in California by directing a portion of its issuance fees to charitable organizations. There were several non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that received grants totaling $105,000 from the California Foundations for Stronger Communities with funds donated by the CMFA.
The deserving organizations include:
Gary Sinise Charitable Foundation serves our nation by honoring our defenders, veterans, first responders, their families and those in need. They do this by creating and supporting unique programs designed to entertain, educate, inspire, strengthen and build communities.
National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. is a San Diego based organization dedicated to assisting veterans in adjusting to civilian life and securing meaningful employment by combining best-practice performance social solutions and techniques. The organization was established by a group of retired high ranking Naval and Marine Corps officers and workforce development professionals who seek to fill a tremendous gap in the continuum of veteran services.
Vets Helping Veterans serves veterans through an outreach program website and email accounts directing them toward assistance to provide them with the knowledge and support that they may need. VHV is founded by Veterans to help Veterans. The foundation focuses it’s funding on committed, grass roots organizations that help Veterans and their families obtain jobs and become productive members of the communities they heroically served.
Cabot’s Museum Foundation preserves the integrity of Cabot Yerxa’s history, Pueblo, and collection of artifacts, as well as educating and inspiring visitors by creating appreciation of the desert community.
29 Palms Community Food Pantry & Outreach Ministries, Inc fulfills a “short-term” need in the community by providing quality nonperishable food items to the hungry. Their volunteer staff of over 40 people assist neighbors who range in age from their early 20s, to senior citizens.
CASA for Children Solano County advocates for abused, neglected, and other identified children within the court system, with the belief that every child is entitled to a safe and stable home.
Creativity Explored is committed to supporting people with developmental disabilities in their quest to become working artists, and to promoting their work as an emerging and increasingly important contribution to the contemporary art world
Jun 23, 2015
The CMFA continues to give back to the communities in California by directing a portion of its issuance fees to charitable organizations. The following four non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations received a total of $65,000 in grants from the California Foundation for Stronger Communities with funds donated by the CMFA:
Women Helping Women/Men 2 Work is committed to providing comprehensive employment support services to empower disadvantaged men, women and teens to achieve economic self-sufficiency through employment success.
Give Every Child A Chance believes every child should be given a chance to be successful. They further believe that community volunteers; working as academic mentors and tutors, together with the school districts will provide free assistance to children struggling in school the opportunity to improve academically and become successful lifelong learners. It is their mission to give every child a chance!
Manteca CAPS Corporation is striving to be a leading Day Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, by providing consumer-centered services, empowering them to achieve their full potential and beyond and maximizing their quality of life according to their choices.
MDP Foundation (Martin de Porres House of Hospitality) is a free restaurant, serving breakfast and lunch during the week and brunch on Sundays. It is their mission to serve in the spirit of compassion, understanding and love.
Jun 16, 2015
For more than five decades, Bowles Hall provided life-changing experiences to its residents, many of whom leveraged the academic achievements, leadership skills and deep friendships gained there into successful lives, careers and contributions to society. Those opportunities are currently not available to students at UC Berkeley today. That’s why the Bowles Hall Foundation is working to re-establish the Bowles Hall Residential College experience—Education Through Fellowship—and to renovate the Hall to once again offer those opportunities and benefits to current and future generations of UC Berkeley students.
The bond proceeds will be used to finance the renovation, equipping and furnishing of a student housing facility containing approximately 192 beds for the benefit of students located on the Berkeley campus of the University of California.
Following completion of the scheduled renovations, the Project Facilities will include 189 suite-style beds for student housing, 3 single bed units for Graduate Residents and an additional 2 faculty units. Each unit will be fully furnished and each suite will be attached to a full bath. Rent will include all utilities as well as cable and high-speed internet. Community amenities will include student lounges and study areas, laundry rooms, printer rooms, a residential college library, project-based academic counseling and guidance and a community dining facility.
Jun 11, 2015
USA Properties Fund, Inc. has completed the issuance of $9,000,000 in tax-exempt bonds for the acquisition and rehabilitation of The Avenida Crossing Apartments located in Lancaster California. This financing provides 76 households with continued high quality, independent, affordable housing for the next 55 years.
May 27, 2015
The CMFA recently approved a $31,960,000 transaction for NorthBay Healthcare Group. The Borrower is embarking on a multi-phase construction project to renovate and expand its NorthBay Medical Center facility located at 1200 B. Gale Wilson Boulevard, Fairfield, California. Bond proceeds will be used for the first phase of the Fairfield Campus Expansion Project which includes construction, architectural and design work as well as the purchase of equipment related to the Fairfield Campus Expansion. Phase 2 is expected to begin late 2015 or early 2016 which will include the construction of a new patient wing at the NorthBay Medical Center site.
May 27, 2015
The CMFA recently issued bonds for the Anaheim Public Utilities Electrical System. The proceeds of the Bonds will be used by the City to finance costs of various components of the City’s Distribution System capital improvement program over the Fiscal Years ending June 30, 2016 and 2017. Planned improvements include, among other things, a variety of substation improvements, including the addition of new transformer capacity at the Canyon Substation, the completion of the new Harbor Substation and a variety of other improvements, equipment replacements and upgrades for existing substations
May 27, 2015
May 27, 2015
Proceeds of the Bonds will be used refund a portion of outstanding bonds and to finance or refinance various rehabilitation and replacement projects to improve the Water System’s service reliability, as well as the construction of new facilities and upgrades to improve and augment the water supply and delivery capabilities of the Water System, including construction of water storage improvements, including the replacement and rehabilitation of the infrastructure of the La Palma Reservoir, new or replacement groundwater wells, upgrades of existing pump stations, rehabilitation and expansion of the Lenain Treatment Plant, and various water main relocation and replacement projects.
May 27, 2015
The CMFA has issued $20,800,000 in Tax-Exempt Financing to MidPen Housing. Proceeds from the bonds will be used to finance a new multi-family housing facility known as 6800 Mission Apartments located in Daly City, California. The 4-story housing facility will provide 51 families with quality, affordable housing.
Apr 13, 2015
The CMFA issued $131,725,000 in tax-exempt financing for Azusa Pacific University. The Bonds will be used to refinance prior revenue bonds and to acquire, construct and equip an approximately 68,000 square foot science center located at 701 East Foothill Boulevard on the west campus of the University. The funds will also be used to acquire the Crestview Apartments, an approximately 320 unit apartment facility located at 801 East Alosta Avenue for the purpose of providing housing to students.
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