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The CMFA Difference

Cost Effective, Responsive, Flexible and Community Focused

The CMFA is the only financing authority which has granted over $50.5 million dollars directly to local governments and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations during the past twenty years

Donations through the CFSC (2004 – 2025)

Total – $36,474,573

  • Charitable Giving

    By supporting our member communities and their local charities, the CMFA is able to directly contribute to the health and welfare of the residents of California. Over $36 million of charitable donations have been given to worthy California non-profits thanks to the CMFA fee sharing.

    Charities we have supported

  • Financing Programs

    The CMFA’s programs are created to strengthen local communities by assisting with the financing of economic development, public benefit and charitable activities throughout the State of California.

    Learn about our programs

  • Past Projects

    The CMFA has helped finance hundreds of public benefit projects including affordable housing, cultural, economic development, education, healthcare and pollution control projects.

    See our projects

Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Exemption

By publicly posting the following written disclosure, the CMFA intends that market participants receive and use it for purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule. The CMFA has retained an independent registered municipal advisor. The CMFA is represented by and will rely on its municipal advisor Sierra Management Group, LLC to provide advice on proposals from financial services firms concerning the issuance of municipal securities and municipal financial products. This certificate may be relied upon until December 31, 2027. Proposals may be addressed to the CMFA.